29.10.2017IBLF, Citi and Visa announced the launch of money-magic.ru, a new national financial education Web portal
On October 29 in Moscow, IBLF, Citi and Visa announced the launch of money-magic.ru, a new national financial education Web portal. The “ABC of Finance” portal is aimed to provide a self-education platform for people of any age, income level and background, in the areas of family budget planning, savings and investment.
20.10.2017Изменение климата – изменение корпоративной культуры
На очередном «круглом столе» из серии «Бизнес и экология», состоявшемся 20 октября, на конкретных примерах было рассмотрено, как руководители служб по охране окружающей среды (ООС) при активной поддержке первых лиц вносят свой вклад в системные изменения на всех уровнях компании.
20.10.2017Culture Change against Climate Change
The Business and the Environment round-table took place on October 20 and reviewed how Directors of Environment and Sustainability can contribute to changing the attitude of employees towards the environment.
07.10.2017Employee Engagement as a Business Tool
On October 7, IBLF Russia in association with Business in the Community (BITC) and Citi organised a training workshop on Corporate Volunteering as a Business Tool.