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Young entrepreneurs of Voronezh region receive support

On 21 May the Youth Business Russia programme was officially launched in Voronezh region.

Sixteen state, business and non-governmental organizations signed the memorandum on support and development of youth entrepreneurial activity: IBLF, RBS, Oxfam, Russian Micro-Financial Centre, State Foundation for Support of Small Enterprises of the Voronezh region, Voronezh State University, Voronezh University of Architecture and Construction, Voronezh Regional Union of Entrepreneurs “Opora”, Association of Entrepreneurs of Voronezh region, Voronezh Regional centre “Junior Achievements” and representatives of specialized departments of the government of the region and the administration of the city of Voronezh (departments of entrepreneurship; sport, youth policy; economic development; labour and employment).

Deputy Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation Oleg Rozhnov sent an official greeting to participants and organizers of Youth Business Russia. In particular he mentioned, that “Youth Business Russia has a substantial impact on the development of entrepreneurship by young people and their integration into the social and economic life”.

State Foundation for Support of Small Enterprises of the Voronezh region uses state funds for small business development for credit portfolio of the programme. Such approach can be widely disseminated in Russia through the system of State Foundations for Support of Small Enterprises (there are around 40 such foundations in Russia).

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