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International Young Entrepreneur of the Year Competition – a Businessman from Russia on the Short List for the First Time 10.06.2019

International Young Entrepreneur of the Year Competition – a Businessman from Russia on the Short List for the First Time

Gennady Shigapov, a young Kaluga entrepreneur participant of the Youth Business Russia Program made it to the short list of the Young Entrepreneur of the Year run by the Prince's Youth Business International. He was nominated in the category “Environmentally Entrepreneur of the Year”.

The short list features 12 entrepreneurs from across the world selected for innovative approaches and social significance of their businesses. The young entrepreneur participants to the competition demonstrated that the right assistance at business start up may translate into impressive achievements. It is the first time an entrepreneur from Russia has been short-listed in the competition held for the fourth time.

“Talented young entrepreneurs who make a contribution to the development of local communities and create new jobs are on the short list”, pointed out Andrew Davenport, general Director, Youth Business International.

Gennady Shigapov manages ProfEngineering –an engineering services, construction and assembly business. It has developed and implemented its own energy-saving innovation systems of management and operation automation of industrial facilities.

The company assembles and commissions such systems and does follow-up maintenance of the facilities. Its customer enterprises saved about 3,000,000 rubles within one year as a result of implementing such systems.

Apart from economic benefits generated, the systems his company developed have enabled to reduce harmful discharges to the environment and noise levels at work stations.

The works done translated into a reduction of heat energy production into a 5% reduction, enabling to cut heating prices for end consumers – the population of the Kaluga region. OOO ProfEngineering employs 23 persons and holds all requisite licenses and certifications.

Boris Tkachenko, Head of the Branch Office in Russia, International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) and Youth Business Russia Programme Manager pointed out: “We are glad that on Russia’s first entry into the competition a young Russian entrepreneur has already made it to the short list. And I want to mention that we already have top-notch candidates for the next-year competition”.

For more information on the competition and the short-listed participants please go to:


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