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Round-table “Managing the social impact of the development of the Arctic"

With the increasing geopolitical and economic interest in developing the Arctic region, we believe that it is a good time for business to address this issue seriously. The meeting will bring together executives from Russian and multinational companies for the first time to exchange experience in how to manage relations with indigenous peoples. Part of the discussion will focus on what tools and training the companies need to improve their community relations, and how they can help each other develop effective approaches. Our guest speaker will be Michael Wernick, the Deputy Minister, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and we are expecting participation by senior executives from the major Russian and multinational extractive industries operating in the Arctic. The meeting is sponsored by the Agency of Indian and Northern Affairs of Canada, Kinross Gold Corporation and the Canadian Embassy.

For further information about this event, please contact the Executive Director for Russia, IBLF Brook Horowitz directly.

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