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IBLF wins grant from the Siemens Integrity Initiative

The International Business Leaders Forum has won a bid for grant from the Siemens Integrity Initiative (SII) to develop and deliver anti-corruption programmes in Russia and China.

Siemens launched a global US$ 100 million Integrity Initiative in December 2009 to support organizations and projects that fight corruption and fraud through collective action, education and training. The SII focuses on supporting projects that have a clear impact on the business environment, can demonstrate objective and measurable results and have the potential to be scaled up and replicated.

These projects will receive financing from the SII, and distribute an initial tranche of US$40 million to more than 30 initiatives from over 20 countries that have been selected. Approximately 300 non-profit organizations from 66 countries applied for funding during the first round and IBLF was successful in its bid at this stage.

What IBLF will deliver in Russia

During the three-year project, titled ‘Transforming Principles into Practice in Emerging Markets’, IBLF will seek to bring the best international practices in corporate approaches to compliance to Russia. It will aim to raise knowledge and consciousness of the costs of corruption and bring innovative management tools and techniques to multinational and local companies.

The project will deliver a range of activities including:

- Workshops and roundtables allowing corporate executives to exchange best practices
- Convening of meetings for top business leaders
- Development of collective approaches on combating corruption in specific industries
- The provision of educational materials on business ethics to leading business and law schools

The programme will be supported by a Russian-language website and publication, providing companies with the latest developments in international and local legislation and management techniques from across the world.

The first event from IBLF under this initiative will take place on 15 Dec 2010 in Moscow and is themed ‘Managing the Impact of international anti-corruption legislation on Russian Operations’. Click here to find out more.

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