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Briefing session dedicated to the ICA International Qualifications in Russia

International Compliance Association (ICA) invites you to take part in the briefing session dedicated to the ICA International Qualifications in Russia.

The briefing session includes the key topics of the modern compliance function:

  • Anti-corruption.
  • Insider dealing.
  • AML.
  • International professional qualifications and certification.

Bill Howarth, CEO ICA, professor will be the chairman and main speaker of the briefing session.

The briefing session will take place on April 13th, 2011 at 19.00: Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 82, bld. 2, “Ernst and Young” Academy of Business, Room “Europe”.

Participation is free. Registration is required (by phone or email): participant’s number is limited.

Details: http://intcompservices.ru/events/ica_events/briefing_in_moscow_13_april_2011.php

Are you a professional or a beginner at these areas of compliance? ICA offers 3 levels of the international professional qualifications: Int. Dip. (Advanced), Int. Adv. Cert. (Intermediate), Int. Cert. (Introductory) in the following areas:

  • Compliance: Int. Dip. (Comp.), Int. Adv. Cert. (Comp.), Int. Cert. (CA);
  • Anti Money Laundering: Int. Dip. (AML), Int. Cert. (AMLA);
  • Financial Crime Prevention: Int. Dip. (Fin. Crime), Int. Cert. (FCA).

ICA qualifications are awarded in association with the University of Manchester Business School and the Ernst & Young Academy of Business.

The next Moscow qualifications: May 2011. Registration: until April 2011. Details are on the web-site: http://intcompservices.ru/qualification/

The First Russian Compliance Award Ceremony will take place at the end of 2011. If you are interested to attend the ceremony please email to [email protected] and we will contact you.

Additional information is available by email: [email protected] or by phone: +7 495 641 3708.

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